Best Web Hosting Demystified: Your Path to Online Success

Michal Kaczor Avatar



Last Updated on July 18, 2024

Ensuring your online success means selecting the best web hosting provider. After all, there’s a lot at stake; choose wrongly, and you will annoy your readers with a poorly performing website and, even worse, Google refusing to rank your content. A quality web host will ensure your site performs well and is always accessible with guaranteed uptimes and more, including:

  • Security – This is essential for safeguarding your website against security threats with firewalls, malware, scanning, and regular backups.
  • Scalability – As your website grows, you’ll need a web host that can keep up with your expanding popularity.
  • Technical Support – When the stuff hits the fan, as it sometimes does, you’ll need an experienced team who can get you back online fast.
  • SEO Ranking Factors – The search engines closely monitor website speed, uptime, and security. Give their users what they want, and your website will be rewarded with higher rankings.

What Is Web Hosting?

While building a website is much more straightforward than it used to be and requires no coding knowledge, understanding a little about web hosting will go a long way toward setting your first website up for success. 

Web hosting refers to a service that allows individuals and businesses to make their websites accessible on the Internet. Your website files, databases, and other resources are hosted on servers connected to the internet. 

When visitors access your site through the URL or the website name you see in the address bar at the top of a web browser, the browser knows which folders on the server to access to get the information it needs to display whatever webpage your visitor has landed on. 

The server is responsible for delivering this information as quickly as possible, meaning fast, powerful servers are critical to creating a great user experience. 

If you have ever had to use an old, outdated computer at work and been frustrated about how slow it is, you’ve got a good idea about how poorly performing websites will only serve to frustrate your visitors when you choose cheap, low-quality hosting. 

Fortunately, access to powerful servers will cost just a few dollars a month, and we are about to show you how and where in the rest of this article. 

Different Types of Web Hosting

The type of web hosting refers to how your server is configured and is closely tied to how much you will pay each month. The cheapest form of hosting starts with shared hosting and goes up in power and cost with each tier jump:

  • Shared Web Hosting: This is the most affordable option where multiple websites share resources on a single server. It is suitable for small websites with moderate traffic. Shared hosting is a good starting point for a personal blog, provided you go with a hosting provider that limits the number of websites per server. A website that suddenly starts getting heavy traffic will hog all the resources and slow the performance of every other website on that server, including yours.
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting: VPS hosting provides a virtualized server environment where multiple websites reside on the same physical server but have dedicated resources. It offers more control and scalability compared to shared hosting.
  • Dedicated Hosting: With dedicated hosting, an entire physical server is dedicated to your website. This option provides maximum control, performance, and security but costs significantly more than shared hosting. VPSs and dedicated hosting are great options for those who require extra security and control.
  • Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting utilizes a network of interconnected servers to host websites. It offers scalability, flexibility, and high reliability, as resources can be easily scaled up or down based on demand. For example, if your e-commerce business experiences a spike in traffic during the holidays, you can ramp up the resources and costs to meet the demand and back down when web traffic returns to normal. In short, you get exceptional control over your budget versus hosting requirements with cloud hosting, as you only pay for what you need when needed.

Critical Web Hosting Factors to Consider

When you consider the following features of a web host, you will have a better chance of choosing one that can keep your website humming along nicely. 

  • Reliability and Uptime: Look for a hosting provider that guarantees high uptime, ensuring your website is accessible to visitors without frequent downtime. Most good hosts will guarantee your site is available 99.9% of the time, which is considered the industry standard. Web servers require routine maintenance, so a figure of 100% uptime is considered unfeasible.
  • Performance and Speed: A fast-loading website is crucial for user experience and search engine rankings. Consider a hosting provider that utilizes modern infrastructure and offers caching mechanisms to optimize website speed.
  • Scalability: As your website grows, you may need additional resources. Ensure your hosting provider offers scalability options for increased traffic and storage requirements.
  • Security: Website security is paramount. To protect your website and data, look for hosting providers that implement robust security measures, such as firewalls, SSL certificates, and regular backups.
  • Customer Support: Reliable customer support is crucial, especially during technical or server-related issues. Choose a hosting provider that offers responsive support through various channels.
  • Performance Guarantees: It’s one thing to guarantee performance, but you should also check any Service Level Agreements to see their responsibilities if your website goes down for some time. 

Top Web Hosting Providers Rundown

With so many choices, picking the best web hosting service can be tricky, especially if it’s your first website. You need to figure out who can deliver on performance, reliability, customer service, and everything else we discussed above when they all say they are the best. 

We turn our spotlight on the most respected hosting providers in the business to give you the lowdown on what you can expect when you sign up. We check out their offerings while weighing up their speed, costs, and support so you can quickly find a balance for hosting that suits your needs and budget.

Whether you’re just starting, running an online business, or a seasoned developer craving flexibility – our reviews have the scoop to help you choose wisely. But we’ll call out any special features that make each provider stand out. Let’s get started. 


Hostinger hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: Hostinger offers the Single Shared Hosting plan, starting at $1.99 monthly with no CDN or free domain

Storage and Bandwidth: The Single Shared Hosting plan provides 50GB of storage space and unlimited bandwidth.

Level of Support: Hostinger offers 24/7 live chat support and a ticket system for customer inquiries.

SSL Certificate: Hostinger provides a free unlimited SSL certificate with all hosting plans 

Reasons to Buy

  • Affordable pricing plans, starting at just $1.99 per month.
  • Generous storage and bandwidth allocations for shared hosting.
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans.
  • User-friendly interface and easy website setup process.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Limited resources compared to higher-tier hosting plans.
  • Some users have complained about slow support.
  • No dedicated hosting services

Hostinger is a well-established web hosting provider known for its affordable pricing and feature-rich hosting plans. With a focus on providing reliable and accessible hosting solutions, Hostinger caters to a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced website owners.

Hostinger’s Single Shared Hosting plan offers an excellent entry point for those on a budget, providing ample storage space and bandwidth for small to medium-sized websites. Including a free SSL certificate ensures secure data transfer, boosting website security and trust with the search engines and your visitors. 

One of Hostinger’s standout features is its user-friendly interface, making it easy for beginners to set up and manage their websites. The 24/7 live chat support and ticket system ensure that customers can receive prompt assistance whenever needed.

While Hostinger’s shared hosting plans may have resource limitations compared to higher-tier options, they still offer a solid foundation for individuals and small businesses looking to establish an online presence. Unfortunately, if you have grand plans for your website, you may quickly outgrow Hostinger, as there are no dedicated hosting plans.

However, with its affordability, reliable performance, and user-friendly features, Hostinger is a popular choice for those seeking cost-effective web hosting solutions.


Bluehost hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: Bluehost offers the Basic shared hosting plan, starting at $2.95 monthly, with free CDN and domain.

Storage and Bandwidth: The Basic shared hosting plan provides 10GB of SSD storage space.

Level of Support: Bluehost offers 24/7 customer support through online chat

SSL Certificate: Free SSL certificate with all hosting plans

Reasons to Buy

  • Competitive pricing plans, starting at $2.95 per month.
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans for first year.
  • 24/7 customer support is available for assistance.
  • Intuitive web dashboard and user-friendly experience.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Higher tiers can get on the expensive side.
  • Users often report lackluster server performance.

Bluehost is a highly reputable web hosting provider recognized by as a quality host.

The Basic shared hosting plan provides an affordable entry point for individuals and small businesses. With 50GB of storage space and unmetered bandwidth, users can comfortably host their websites and handle moderate traffic.

Anybody new to website creation will appreciate Bluehost’s intuitive web dashboard, which makes it easy for users to manage their websites and access advanced features.  Depending on your plan, customer support is available 24/7 through live chat, phone, or email. 

If you are planning to create an e-commerce presence, you will love Bluehost’s WooCommerce plan that takes you by the hand to guide you through the store setup process. Start filling your store with physical or digital products with no limits on how many items you can pack into your virtual shelves. Just add traffic, and you are all set. 

It’s also great for WordPress enthusiasts who are new to the game, as WordPress comes pre-installed with a shared hosting plan. Create a website superfast with useful shortcuts for everyday tasks helping you get up to speed without too much of a learning curve. 

Bluehost subscribers can access a free SSL certificate with all hosting plans, enhancing website security and protecting sensitive data. This feature is vital for e-commerce websites or any site that collects user information, but SSL is considered an industry standard for all types of websites these days.

While Bluehost’s more advanced plans can be on the expensive side, the hosting provider offers a range of features and services that cater to the needs of both beginners and experienced website owners. With its competitive pricing, reliable performance, and user-friendly experience, Bluehost remains a popular choice for those seeking affordable WordPress hosting solutions. 


Godaddy hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: GoDaddy offers the Economy shared hosting plan, starting at $5.99 monthly.

Storage and Bandwidth: The Economy shared hosting plan provides 25GB of storage space, unmetered bandwidth, and a free domain for 1 year.

Level of Support: GoDaddy offers 24/7 customer support through various channels, including phone

SSL Certificate: GoDaddy provides free SSL certificate for the first year 

Reasons to Buy

  • Wide range of products and services, including domain registration, website builders, and marketing tools.
  • 24/7 customer support is available for assistance.
  • User-friendly interface and easy website setup process.
  • Established and reputable hosting provider.
  • Offers a variety of hosting plans to suit different needs.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Above-average prices for some products.
  • Shared hosting may have below-par server response times.
  • Features could overwhelm beginners.

GoDaddy is a well-known and established web hosting provider that offers a wide range of products and services beyond hosting. With a focus on providing comprehensive solutions for individuals and businesses, GoDaddy can cater to various website needs and demands.

The Economy shared hosting plan offers an entry-level option for those seeking reliable hosting at an affordable price. With 25GB of storage space and unmetered bandwidth, users can comfortably host moderately sized websites and handle moderate traffic.

One of GoDaddy’s strengths lies in its extensive product offerings, which include domain registration, website builders, marketing tools, and more. This makes it a convenient one-stop shop for individuals and businesses looking to establish and grow their online presence.

GoDaddy provides 24/7 customer support through various channels, including phone, ensuring users can receive assistance whenever needed. The user-friendly interface and easy website setup process make it accessible for beginners to get started quickly.

While GoDaddy’s shared hosting plans may have below-par server response times compared to some competitors, it remains a popular choice for its wide range of products, established reputation, and comprehensive solutions. 


Siteground hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: SiteGround offers the StartUp shared hosting plan, starting at $2.99 monthly, for free CDN, email, and unlimited databases.

Storage and Bandwidth: The StartUp shared hosting plan provides 10GB of storage space and is suitable for approximately 10,000 monthly visits.

Level of Support: SiteGround offers 24/7 customer support through live chat, phone, and ticket system.

SSL Certificate: SiteGround provides a free SSL certificate with all hosting plans.

Reasons to Buy

  • Excellent customer support with 24/7 availability.
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans.
  • Hosting plans come packed with top-notch security measures and always-on monitoring to keep your site safe.
  • High-performance servers and optimized hosting environment.
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive website management tools.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Higher pricing compared to some competitors, but cheaper than GoDaddy.
  • Storage space limitations on lower-tier plans.
  • Limited data transfer on lower-tier plans.

Although SiteGround’s higher pricing and limited resources on lower plans are drawbacks, their reliable and secure hosting makes them a good option for many website owners. From solo bloggers to major corporations, SiteGround ensures your business is always accessible with its dependable and secure web hosting services.

If you’re on the hunt for a reliable hosting option that won’t break the bank, SiteGround’s StartUp shared hosting plan brings all the core features you need to the table. While the storage space is limited to 10GB, your site will handle 10,000 monthly visits and can host a few hundred pages before you’ll feel the pinch and a need to upgrade. 

SiteGround is big on website security, keeping your site secure with a full deck of protective features such as continuous monitoring, daily backups, and an excellent firewall. Every hosting plan from SiteGround includes a free SSL certificate, adding an extra layer of security. 

With its powerful servers and tuned hosting environment, Siteground ensures your website loads fast and performs reliably. An easy-to-navigate dashboard and intelligent site management tool lets you create and manage a website without hassle. 

Though SiteGround might hit your wallet a bit harder than other options, its fast, reliable performance, beefed-up security measures, and fantastic customer service make it a go-to for a robust hosting plan.


Hostgator hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: HostGator offers the Hatchling shared hosting plan, starting at .75 per month.

Storage and Bandwidth: The Hatchling shared hosting plan provides unmetered storage space and bandwidth.

Level of Support: HostGator offers 24/7 customer support.

SSL Certificate: HostGator provides a free SSL certificate with all hosting plans, ensuring secure data transmission.

Reasons to Buy

  • Affordable pricing plans, starting at $3.75 per month.
  • Unmetered storage space and bandwidth for shared hosting.
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans.
  • 24/7 customer support is available.
  • User-friendly interface and easy website setup process.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Server response times may vary.
  • Some advanced features may be lacking for experienced users.

HostGator offers budget-friendly web hosting with easy-to-use features. Whether you’re just starting or this is not your first rodeo, HostGator is well known for its reliable and easy-to-use web hosting services.

The Hatchling shared hosting plan offers an affordable entry point for individuals and small businesses. With unmetered storage space and bandwidth, there’s plenty of room for growth.

With its wallet-friendly approach, Hostgator emerges as a top pick for those who need quality web hosting on a budget. With a free SSL certificate included, your website’s data transmission is more secure and trustworthy.

Subscribers can access support around the clock, with professional help available for every type of website issue you will likely encounter. The user-friendly interface and easy website setup process make it accessible for beginners to get started quickly.

Even though server speeds can change, many people still pick HostGator because it’s cheap, dependable, and easy to use. They’ve been in website hosting for decades, and experience counts. HostGator delivers everywhere it counts with a wide array of reasonably priced hosting plans and bonus features. 


Ionos hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: IONOS offers shared hosting plans starting at $4 monthly.

Storage and Bandwidth: IONOS provides 10GB storage space and bandwidth options depending on the selected plan.

Level of Support: IONOS offers 24/7 customer support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat.

SSL Certificate: All subscribers get a free Wildcard SSL certificate.

Reasons to Buy

  • Affordable pricing plans for shared hosting.
  • 24/7 customer support is available.
  • There is a wide range of hosting plans and services to choose from.
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive website management tools.
  • Daily backups
  • DDoS (Distributed denial of service) Protection
  • Unlimited traffic

Reasons to Avoid

  • Their website builder is an optional paid extra
  • Plan pricing can jump significantly after the introductory period ends 

IONOS, formerly known as 1&1 IONOS, is a reputable web hosting provider offering various hosting plans and services. Whether running a personal blog or a large-scale online store, IONOS delivers robust and adaptable hosting solutions to suit your needs.

Their shared hosting plans won’t break the bank, so they are a perfect match for first-timers just starting or small businesses on a budget but require more power than shared hosting can provide. The storage space and bandwidth options vary depending on the selected plan, but you will find plenty of affordable upgrade paths perfect for growing websites. 

IONOS features some of the best infrastructure with solid all-round performance. They don’t skimp on data centers and network setups and have some of the fastest servers in the business. All customer sites are backed up at least once in any 24-hour period, with each backup kept available for up to 20 days. 

While some advanced features may come at an additional cost, IONOS offers a wide range of hosting plans to ensure there is something for everyone. IONOS, known for its budget-friendly cost, solid performance, and easy-to-use interface, is a top pick for individuals and businesses needing dependable hosting solutions that can grow with their needs.


Scalahosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: ScalaHosting offers shared hosting plans starting at $2.95 per month, paid yearly, or $9.95 per month paid monthly.

Storage and Bandwidth: ScalaHosting provides varying storage space and bandwidth options depending on the selected plan.

Level of Support: ScalaHosting offers 24/7 customer support

SSL Certificate: ScalaHosting provides a free SSL certificate with all hosting plans for one year.

Reasons to Buy

  • Affordable pricing plans for shared hosting.
  • 24/7 customer support is available for assistance.
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans.
  • High-quality infrastructure and reliable performance.
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive website management tools.
  • Offsite backups

Reasons to Avoid

  • Plenty of cheaper options are available.
  • Only basic support is available for the first two pricing tiers.

If you’re looking for an affordable but versatile web hosting solution with plenty of industry experience, ScalaHosting might be a good choice. From single blog masters users to SMEs (Small to medium enterprises), ScalaHosting’s impressive service and standout servers make it hard to go wrong.

ScalaHosting’s competitively priced shared plans aren’t the cheapest when you pay monthly. However, if you spring for the 36-month contract, you can save quite a good chunk of change.

The storage space and bandwidth options vary depending on the selected plan, but there are plenty of choices to cover just about every type of website. 

ScalaHosting is committed to delivering solid performance using the latest in infrastructure. Leveraging top-tier tech and robust data centers, ScalaHosting ensures your site is always online with lightning-fast page loading times.

Whether you’re stuck with a website issue at 3 AM or 12 PM, ScalaHosting is ready to help with round-the-clock support. The user-friendly interface and intuitive website management tools make it easy for users to set up and manage their websites efficiently.

Because of its budget-friendly rates, dependable service, and easy-to-use platform, ScalaHosting remains a top contender for website creators demanding solid and economical website hosting solutions.


Dreamhost hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: DreamHost offers shared hosting plans starting at $2.95 monthly.

Storage and Bandwidth: Unlimited storage space and bandwidth for shared hosting plans.

Level of Support: DreamHost offers 24/7 customer support

SSL Certificate: DreamHost provides a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate with all hosting plans, ensuring secure data transmission.

Reasons to Buy

  • Affordable pricing plans for shared hosting.
  • Unlimited storage space and bandwidth for shared hosting.
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans.
  • 24/7 customer support is available.
  • Only use renewable energy to run their servers.
  • WP Website Builder.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Email plans are paid extras.
  • Limited options for Windows-based hosting.

Web hosting can make or break your online presence, so choosing a provider that aligns with your business values, like DreamHost, ensures your website is off to a good start. 

Although DreamHost is a trustworthy, green web host with reasonable prices for individuals and companies alike, they excel by providing unlimited storage and bandwidth on their competitively-priced shared hosting plans, allowing websites to accommodate any traffic volume without worrying about getting slugged with extra fees. 

DreamHost stands out because it’s all about being green and sustainable. As a certified carbon-neutral company, DreamHost runs on renewable energy, making it an eco-friendly option for webmasters.

You can get all the tech advice and help with round-the-clock customer support, although lower tiers miss out on priority service. However, 24-hour reply windows should be enough for most during the early days of web development. 

With a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, DreamHost boosts your website’s safety and keeps sensitive info under lock and key.

Though the DreamHost shared hosting plans might not tick all the boxes for seasoned users, it’s an excellent choice for those looking for a cost-effective, green hosting solution to dip their toes into the World Wide Web for the first time. 


Namecheap hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: Namecheap offers shared hosting plans starting at $1.98 monthly for the first year.

Storage and Bandwidth: Namecheap provides varying storage space and bandwidth options depending on the selected plan.

Level of Support: Namecheap offers 24/7 customer support through live chat and email.

SSL Certificate: Namecheap provides a free SSL certificate with all hosting plans, ensuring secure data transmission.

Reasons to Buy

  • Host 3 websites on the Stellar (basic) tier
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans.
  • 30 email accounts
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Free supersonic CDN
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive website management tools.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Inconsistent performance in terms of server response times.
  • Limited domain name choices on cheaper plans. 

Namecheap is well known for its affordable and user-friendly web hosting plans that are occasionally hampered by inconsistent server speeds.

If you’re searching for wallet-friendly web hosting, Namecheap’s competitively priced shared plans are worth a look. The storage space and bandwidth options vary depending on the selected plan, with plenty of options for getting the resources you need at a reasonable price. 

Remember that the first year will lure you in, but prices jump significantly when your plan renews. Always check the renewal price when signing up, as these jumps can catch you by surprise. It’s a common tactic, so remember this advice when selecting any web hosting provider. 

Like all providers on this list, Namecheap offers free SSL certificates for each hosting plan to keep your data locked down and Google satisfied with your security measures. You can also boost website performance with a free CDN and a reasonably affordable managed WordPress hosting service to make your first foray into the more technical side of web ownership much more straightforward.

Namecheap has excellent customer support, with requests managed by a ticketing system that ensures you get a reply within a few hours rather than days. Like many hosting providers, Namecheap has a custom website builder with a user-friendly interface and intuitive website management tools that make it easy for users to set up and manage their websites efficiently.

While server response times may vary, Namecheap’s affordability, free SSL certificate, wide range of hosting options, and user-friendly experience make it a popular choice for individuals and businesses seeking reliable and cost-effective hosting solutions.

Liquid Web

Liquid web hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: Liquid Web does not offer shared hosting plans. Their main gig is offering tailored hosting solutions that are fully managed.

Storage and Bandwidth: Liquid Web provides varying storage space and bandwidth options depending on the selected managed hosting plan.

Level of Support: Liquid Web offers 24/7 customer support through various channels, including live chat, phone, and ticket system. Managed hosting customers can access a specialized support squad on standby round-the-clock.

SSL Certificate: Liquid Web offers SSL certificates as an add-on feature, which can be purchased separately.

Reasons to Buy

  • High-performance managed hosting solutions.
  • 24/7 professional support.
  • Service level agreements.
  • Scalable infrastructure to handle growing websites.

Reasons to Avoid

  • No shared hosting plans are available, so it is not the best service for beginners.
  • Enhanced performance comes at a much higher cost.

Liquid Web’s premium managed VPS or dedicated hosting services cater to businesses seeking reliable, scalable solutions with excellent support despite higher pricing than some competitors. 

Unlike traditional shared hosting providers, Liquid Web does not offer shared hosting plans because they are all about managed hosting services like dedicated servers, VPS hosting, and cloud hosting. However, if your website has outgrown shared hosting, LiquidWeb is worth checking out because of its reputation and respect in the online community. 

Many users of Liquid Web praise its efficient customer support team, who seem always ready to go above and beyond to help their clients. You can get assistance through live chat, phone calls, or one of the most in-depth knowledge bases we have ever seen. 

Managed hosting customers also benefit from a dedicated support team that is well-versed in managing complex hosting environments. This is an excellent option if you prefer a more hands-off approach to your website. 

Many may balk at Liquid Web’s pricing for their VPS range, but what you get for the money is far above the lackluster performance you will receive from the competition. The lowest tier is a 2 CPU, 2GB RAM arrangement promising lightning-fast speed for a moderately busy website. With 10 TB of bandwidth every month, it will take a long while for you to outgrow what’s on offer here. 

So, if you’re a business or individual who settles for nothing but the best, Liquid Web is your go-to choice.


Greengeeks hosting illustrative image

Star Rating:

Lowest-Priced Shared Hosting: GreenGeeks offers shared hosting plans starting at $2.95 monthly.

Storage and Bandwidth: 50GB Storage and unmetered data

Level of Support: 24/7 customer support through live chat, email, and phone.

SSL Certificate: Free SSL certificate with all hosting plans.

Reasons to Buy

  • Environmentally friendly hosting with a focus on sustainability.
  • Affordable pricing plans for shared hosting.
  • Unlimited storage space and bandwidth for shared hosting.
  • Free SSL certificate included with all hosting plans.

Reasons to Avoid

  • No phone support
  • Enterprise plans can be hit or miss.

GreenGeeks is another web hosting company doing its best to go green. With data centers spewing almost as much greenhouse gases as global airlines, GreenGeeks steps up the game in web hosting, going full throttle on being green and sustainable. Every GreenGeeks plan offsets these emissions with one tree planted. 

If you’re on a tight budget but still need a quality host, GreenGeeks’ shared hosting plans are worth checking out. The unlimited storage space and bandwidth provided with shared hosting plans allow users to grow their websites without worrying about getting hit with extra fees for exceeding their quota. 

If WordPress isn’t for you, you can opt for the Weebly website builder for a drag-and-drop interface perfect for beginners. 

GreenGeeks offsets all of its data center’s energy use by purchasing renewable energy credits, so you can build your website safe knowing that the server hosting it is not contributing to global pollution. 

Best Web Hosting Provider FAQ